Batch 0450 – Hemp Classic 6x

Batch 0451 – Vape Oil

Manufactured on Sep 12, 2019 - Expires on Jan 23, 2021

Here you can view and download the Certificates Of Analysis (COAs) for products associated with this Lot Number. The COAs reflect third-party testing for potency and purity of contaminants.


  • CBD Vape Oil

Test Results

  • Batch 0451 - Potency
  • Batch 0451 - Microbiology
  • Batch 0451 - Terpenes
  • Batch 0451 - Resiedual Solvents
  • Batch 0451 - Density
  • Batch 0451 - Potency
  • Batch 0451 - Heavy Metals, Mycotoxins, and Pesticides
  • Spec Sheet - 0451